Saturday 1 February 2014

Overrated, Underrated- Books

Why hello there! I've had a fabulous idea, if I do say so myself, for a sort of mini series. So I present to you, Overrated, Underrated! I'm going to do a few 'episodes', with the first one being books.

My Overrated book choice is The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. That probably sounds horrible, and I will agree the storyline and characters were wonderful, but I think the actual book is relatively good, but it isn't brilliant. It is unbelievably sad, and a beautiful story, but it could have been written better *prepares for onslaught of disagreement*. The idea of it is great, but the actual text is not particularly special. I much preferred Paper Towns.
Sorry not sorry.

My Underrated book choice was very hard to choose, but I eventually decided on the Skulduggery Pleasant series by Derek Landy. Compared to a lot of books it is relatively underrated. You mention Harry Potter, everyone knows it. Mention Skulduggery Pleasant, or Valkyrie Cain maybe a quarter of people know of it.
But why? It's an absolutely amazing series, full of sarcasm, humour and pure action. The characters are great, and it's a really unique series, with some many shock moments Book Nine should be called Skulduggery Pleasant: Plot Twist. It's exciting, hilarious, and has the perfect combination of tension and laughter.

So, I hope you enjoyed my new series. Until next time!