Thursday 10 July 2014

Book Shopping and A Busy Month For Music

This is rather random. I do like to post spontaneously and I have never planned a blog post in my life so really this is all just written straight from my head. Awwww.

So, how quickly has June flown by? I'm very very confused. It seems like two minutes. This year is going scarily fast! But June brought with it two very exciting album releases- Ed Sheeran's 'Multiply' or 'X' and 5 Seconds Of Summer's self titled album.

I'm just going to start by pointing out my utter love for Ed. I've been a huge huge huge huge huge fan of his music since The A Team (that sounds very cliche and I just want to clarify that I am not one of those fans. You know exactly what I mean.) and I have being waiting for this album for three years.  There isn't one song of Ed's I dislike. I'm fortunate enough to have tickets to see him when he tours in October, and wow I'm excited. 99 days.

Anyway, so I have been very eagerly anticipating this album. And it was even better than I had anticipated. It's such a mix of genres and I think it really represents Ed personal favourites are Nina, Photograph  and Don't. I really really do love this album a lot, and Ed. Well done, I'm so proud of you Edward!

And 30th June was the date of the 5SOS album release. I absolutely love this band, and have done since last year, so again I was extremely excited. My favourite is definitely English Love Affair, and in case you were wondering, I'm a Luke girl;)

Now onto something very different to my music ramblings- book shopping! I love books a lot and get very excited buying them. Recently I bought two books on my trip shopping, and I just wanted to share them with you. I've been excited to read these for a longgggg time. They were on my book list.

These are 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower' by Stephen Chbosky and 'Eleanor and Park' by Rainbow Rowell.
I've heard a lot about Perks, and I'm currently almost finished reading it and I love it to pieces. It's wonderful. Charlie is such a relatable character, and I really connect with the book. Safe to say I could definitely be described as a Wallflower!

Eleanor and Park I have yet to start, but I'm especially excited for this. I read Fangirl by the same author and it's one of my favourite books of all time. Yay for books!

Apologies for the nonsensical rambling on with seemingly no point. That pretty much describes me to be honest!

Until next time!