Friday 1 August 2014


Why hello there! So, as you've probably realised, it's got to that time of year again. Summer. Now, strangely, I don't like Summer. I don't like being really hot, which I know is rare in Britain but this year it has been! I love the cold, and rain. So this isn't really my favourite part of the year. However, Summer means that I have a lot of time on my hands, what with having no school.

And so that's how I have found myself with several new obsessions.

The first, and perhaps biggest- Teen Wolf. I've heard soooo much about this show, and with so much time to spare, I thought I'd watch it. Which brings me to now- one season in and absolutely obsessed. It's dangerous. Dylan O'Brien, who plays Stiles, is one of my favourite actors- he's appearing as Thomas in the film adaption of one of my favourite books, The Maze Runner, very soon. I'm so excited! I really love the show a lot, and I would definitely recommend it!

I've also reread Divergent. I read this book last August, and I absolutely love it to death but I'd kinda forgotten how much I loved it. But I love it a lot. It's up there with some of my all time favourites. If you follow my blog, you'll have seen my book review of Allegiant, the final book in the trilogy. I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I am so excited for the film adaption of Insurgent next year.
I liked this.

If you get this, I love you

I also got my 2nd piercing done recently, and I'm so so happy with it! I've wanted it for ages, and finally I have it:)

That's about it really. I'm planning on having a new post coming up very soon. Untl next time!