Tuesday 31 December 2013

New Year's Eve Nail Art

Why hello there! Today I have a visual treat in the form of nail art.

So in light of it being New Year's Eve, I felt it necessary to paint my nails to honor that (in reality it was just another excuse to paint them).

Just to state the obvious, my nails are disgusting. They're short, untidy and this is actually a little on the messy side.

Please ignore the strange hand position;)

I thought they looked a bit like abstract fireworks. 
Base colour: CoverGirl NailSlicks in Whirlpool.
Dots: Barry M Gelly Hi Shine in Prickly Pear and Blueberry
I also used two unnamed colours. 
Before I did any colour, I used. Maybelline Express Manicure Growth Serum to strengthen my nails.
I achieved this design through the use of a dotting tool. If you don't have a dotting tool, you could just use the end of a bobby pin, or a toothpick. All you have to do is add lots of dots in different colours that overlap each other. 
This is the finished design:

Happy New Year Everyone! 

Until next time!

Monday 30 December 2013

Book Review- Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Why hello there!

So for Christmas, I received the book Allegiant by Veronica Roth. Having read the first two books, Divergent and Insurgent, I knew I would love it, and as predicted, I did. A lot.
Allegiant follows on from Insurgent, and starts with Evelyn Johnson and the factionless' gradually taking over the city, causing tension between the factionless and former faction members. After learning about the Allegiant, Tris agrees to join them, for the chance to leave the city and discover what is outside the fence. A group consisting of Tris, Tobias, Uriah, Cara, Christina, Caleb, Peter and Tori volunteer to go to find out the truth, and travel out of the city boundaries, and are taken to the Bureau of Genetic Welfare. There, they discover their world is not all that it seems. They also discover the Bureau's plans, and the book follows the group stopping them from destroying everything they know, before it's too late.

How to begin? It was just fabulous, all the way, and it was also very unpredictable. That is an important thing about books to me, because no one wants to accurately predict what's going to happen everytime, right? It would just get boring. But I would have never in a million years suspected that one of everyone's favourite characters would die. It's something I've never read about before.

I will admit- I cried. Why is it that authors kill of the best characters? All my favourite characters are killed. Every single time -,-

The highlights? Well, I loved the fact that Tris and Caleb got to know each other more than they did whilst they were living together in Abnegation. They discover more about each other than they would of had factions still existed, and I think that's the best subplot about Allegiant; their relationship.

My favourite character, who has been since Divergent, is Uriah. I think he is the character I would want to actually know in real life; I feel so sorry for him coping with his grief, but still managing to smile. I can't even explain why he is my favourite character, he's just fab!

Speaking of point of view, I loved the way it switched from Tris to Tobias. It let you see the story without it being limited to one person's perception of things.

The only thing I disliked? The amount of death. Can't they all just stay alive happily?

I'm so excited for the film adaption of this. Round of applause to Miss Roth!

Until next time!

Sunday 29 December 2013

All You Need Is Books:)

Why hello there! You seem to have stumbled across my blog. So how about an introduction?

Well I've wanted to start a blog for quite a while, which is how this came about:) It will probably end up being a variety of things; book 'reviews', fashion, beauty (primarily nails and hair) etc.

So I'll try to update regularly, but this could end up being one of those things that is abandoned after a while... I hope not:)

My first official non introduction blog post is actually going to be a book review of....you'll find out!;)

Until next time!