Tuesday 17 June 2014

City of Heavenly Fire Review:)

Why hello there! So, first of all- I apologise for my lack of updates. It's been a while. But I'm a very busy person and I kind of procrastinate a lot too- oops. I have had exams, if that's any worthy excuse? No? Sorry. I'm just bad at this.

But anywayyyy, on to the topic of this wonderful long coming post. I don't think anyone's looking forward to it. Ah well. But yeah, it's another book review. 'City of Heavenly Fire' by Cassandra Clare was released on the 28th May, and I picked it up that day and did not put it down. I finished it two weeks ago now and I'm still having withdrawal symptoms. Sigh.

I'm going off on a tangent again. I should probably stop.

Anyway, CoHF is the last book in The Mortal Instruments series. I love the series- the magic, the characters, and even the idea of this whole other world being right there intertwined with ours. I think it's great. So, for me, this had to be good. It's the last book, and there was so much left to tie off! Which explains why it was 733 pages along. Ahhh. I do love a good long book.

Well, either way, it lived up to my expectations. It destroyed my expectations. It was that good. There was literally nothing I found predictable, and I will shamelessly admit that I cried. My favourite characters, Simon Lewis and Alec Lightwood were in this even more if that's possible, which made me very happy. I also loved the way that the characters developed- it's noticeable since the first book. In City Of Bones, Alec is quite rude, and a bit quiet really. But wow. In CoHF, six books later, he's just wonderful. Sarcastic, hilarious, but lovely. Aw.

It tied it all together perfectly for me. It really did. I don't think it could have ended any other way, and I'm actually gutted that it's the last. However, I am extremely excited for the Dark Artifices!

If you haven't read these books or just CoHF then I recommend you do. I do try when reviewing to do the most non spoilerish review ever, whilst still justifying the book? But you seriously need to pick that book up. It's got action, badass characters, humour and romance, so it's something for everyone really. The series is one of my favourites and I'm really happy with how this turned out. Thank you Cassandra Clare!

Until next time.

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