Thursday 29 May 2014

Change in The Blog 😊

Hello! I'm aware I haven't posted in quite some time: I've got exams coming up and just generally haven't got around to posting. But after this small not-quite-a-post post, I have another book review coming sometime within the next week or so (hint- think of a wonderful book released this week about some sort of magical part angel beings;)).

But today I'd just like to clarify that I've made a bit of a change to the blog. When I set it up, I had intentions for it to be a bit of everything- specifically beauty and fashion. But now, five months on, I've decided that that's just not interesting for me to read or write anymore. Which explains why I've converted my blog to being more book focused. I'll still do some beauty kind of things- take my Rune Nail Art, for example. But primarily it's going to be things like book reviews etc. with some things about music. I hope you still enjoy it anyway; I don't exactly have tons of readers so the change shouldn't be too devastating;).

Until next time!

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