Friday 11 April 2014

Fangirl Problems.

Why hello there! Today's post is one that I imagine many many people can relate to. Fangirl problems.

I am a fangirl. Dreadfully so. I fangirl over everything: me and my friend fangirled over fangirling, for the angels sake. And being a fangirl is  so so difficult. I mean, the feelssssss.
I fangirl over books mainly, and Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift. But books.
Recently, I have been reading The Infernal Devices.  Two words- Will Herondale. Need I say anything more?
Being a fangirl has a lot of problems- here you go!

1. The fact that you are madly in love with a fictional character. That you well never meet. Because they don't exist. But you continue to be madly in love with them to the point you cannot contain your emotion anymore, and cannot refrain from screaming their name and telling everyone you see that you are in love with a fictional character. Yep, several strange looks gained from this. *sigh* Will Herondale *sigh*

2. Nobody has read the book, or heard the song, or seen the film. You are forced to fangirl alone or perhaps die from the contained fangirling. You can't fangirl but you do anyway, again gaining strange looks. Nobody understands what you're talking about, so you just seem like a demented crazy women. Which you are.

3. Imagine this: you are in public. Bored. So you take out your book, phone whatever and you read or go stalk your celebrity or something. You sit and enjoy your book, or their face, everything is all sunshine and rainbows. Until you read it. The tweet like this one:

Or the line like this one:

And your everything is screaming inside, and you need to scream and cry and fangirl and you would but then no. You are in public. So you stay quiet, with your insides screaming, and you suffer.  This is all your fault *insert name of person who caused you to fangirl here*

4. Other people claiming to love the book or celebrity when they don't even know anything about it. Or worse- THEY SAW THE FILM.
*le me* Omg, you like Divergent? Who's your favourite character? Mine's Uriah.
*le peasant* Wait who's he? You probably haven't even seen it, there is no Uriah. But mine is that Four guy.
*le me* Tobias.
*le peasant* There isn't a Tobias either! Have you even seen it?
*le me* *throws book at head*

Sorry for that rather peculiar post. I shall update it later with more fangirl problems for you all to relate to.

Until next time peasants!

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