Saturday 10 May 2014

Let's Talk Music.

Why hello there! Well, this last month for me has been very musical, as odd as that may sound. I've been listening to a wider variety of music, playing more music and just generally being musical.
Music is a huuuuuge part of my life;; to be quite honest I'm not sure I could survive without my headphones. Personally, I think my best feature is my music taste. Wow.

So got this post I've decided to just share what music I've really been loving lately.

1. 'Meet The Vamps'- The Vamps.
Wow. Just holy wow. The Vamps are my favourite band, and I absolutely love them. So wonderfully, their album was released on 14th April. YAYYYYY! I absolutely love it, every single song is wonderful, Brad's voice is craaaaazy, like out of this world good, and literally I am unable to stop listening to them. I've been a fan since around August, which may not seem long, but as I saw a girl tweet this week-

"'You weren't a fan of The Vamps from the start, you're not a real fan"

@TheVampsCon wasn't there from the start and he's in the band'
I'm sorry but this made my day. Thank you random citizen.
Anywayyyt, The Vamps are perfect and I adore them. Buy their album now, they deserve it so much, I'm so proud of how far they've come!

2. Arctic Monkeys

I have been listening to a lot of Arctic Monkeys lately and I just think they're fab. I love 'Arabella' and 'Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?'  They're great!

3. All Time Low

So basically two of my best friends are obsessed with ATL and until this past week I've not really been a fan. However, in Thursday I was introduced to 'Weightless' and I love it I love it I love it. It's wonderful! I reaaally like their music: I think it's very unique and the lyrics are fab.

So myself and my friends have been inspired to start a band. I'm really excited! More on this another time. Until next time!

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