Saturday 6 December 2014

I'm moving!

Hey guys, just a short final post to let you know I'm going to be "moving" blogs as I decided this title and this blog just wasn't interesting me at all, and I've started a new one that I intend to update more often and enjoy more:) you can find me at "".
Thank you!

Friday 1 August 2014


Why hello there! So, as you've probably realised, it's got to that time of year again. Summer. Now, strangely, I don't like Summer. I don't like being really hot, which I know is rare in Britain but this year it has been! I love the cold, and rain. So this isn't really my favourite part of the year. However, Summer means that I have a lot of time on my hands, what with having no school.

And so that's how I have found myself with several new obsessions.

The first, and perhaps biggest- Teen Wolf. I've heard soooo much about this show, and with so much time to spare, I thought I'd watch it. Which brings me to now- one season in and absolutely obsessed. It's dangerous. Dylan O'Brien, who plays Stiles, is one of my favourite actors- he's appearing as Thomas in the film adaption of one of my favourite books, The Maze Runner, very soon. I'm so excited! I really love the show a lot, and I would definitely recommend it!

I've also reread Divergent. I read this book last August, and I absolutely love it to death but I'd kinda forgotten how much I loved it. But I love it a lot. It's up there with some of my all time favourites. If you follow my blog, you'll have seen my book review of Allegiant, the final book in the trilogy. I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I am so excited for the film adaption of Insurgent next year.
I liked this.

If you get this, I love you

I also got my 2nd piercing done recently, and I'm so so happy with it! I've wanted it for ages, and finally I have it:)

That's about it really. I'm planning on having a new post coming up very soon. Untl next time!

Thursday 10 July 2014

Book Shopping and A Busy Month For Music

This is rather random. I do like to post spontaneously and I have never planned a blog post in my life so really this is all just written straight from my head. Awwww.

So, how quickly has June flown by? I'm very very confused. It seems like two minutes. This year is going scarily fast! But June brought with it two very exciting album releases- Ed Sheeran's 'Multiply' or 'X' and 5 Seconds Of Summer's self titled album.

I'm just going to start by pointing out my utter love for Ed. I've been a huge huge huge huge huge fan of his music since The A Team (that sounds very cliche and I just want to clarify that I am not one of those fans. You know exactly what I mean.) and I have being waiting for this album for three years.  There isn't one song of Ed's I dislike. I'm fortunate enough to have tickets to see him when he tours in October, and wow I'm excited. 99 days.

Anyway, so I have been very eagerly anticipating this album. And it was even better than I had anticipated. It's such a mix of genres and I think it really represents Ed personal favourites are Nina, Photograph  and Don't. I really really do love this album a lot, and Ed. Well done, I'm so proud of you Edward!

And 30th June was the date of the 5SOS album release. I absolutely love this band, and have done since last year, so again I was extremely excited. My favourite is definitely English Love Affair, and in case you were wondering, I'm a Luke girl;)

Now onto something very different to my music ramblings- book shopping! I love books a lot and get very excited buying them. Recently I bought two books on my trip shopping, and I just wanted to share them with you. I've been excited to read these for a longgggg time. They were on my book list.

These are 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower' by Stephen Chbosky and 'Eleanor and Park' by Rainbow Rowell.
I've heard a lot about Perks, and I'm currently almost finished reading it and I love it to pieces. It's wonderful. Charlie is such a relatable character, and I really connect with the book. Safe to say I could definitely be described as a Wallflower!

Eleanor and Park I have yet to start, but I'm especially excited for this. I read Fangirl by the same author and it's one of my favourite books of all time. Yay for books!

Apologies for the nonsensical rambling on with seemingly no point. That pretty much describes me to be honest!

Until next time!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

City of Heavenly Fire Review:)

Why hello there! So, first of all- I apologise for my lack of updates. It's been a while. But I'm a very busy person and I kind of procrastinate a lot too- oops. I have had exams, if that's any worthy excuse? No? Sorry. I'm just bad at this.

But anywayyyy, on to the topic of this wonderful long coming post. I don't think anyone's looking forward to it. Ah well. But yeah, it's another book review. 'City of Heavenly Fire' by Cassandra Clare was released on the 28th May, and I picked it up that day and did not put it down. I finished it two weeks ago now and I'm still having withdrawal symptoms. Sigh.

I'm going off on a tangent again. I should probably stop.

Anyway, CoHF is the last book in The Mortal Instruments series. I love the series- the magic, the characters, and even the idea of this whole other world being right there intertwined with ours. I think it's great. So, for me, this had to be good. It's the last book, and there was so much left to tie off! Which explains why it was 733 pages along. Ahhh. I do love a good long book.

Well, either way, it lived up to my expectations. It destroyed my expectations. It was that good. There was literally nothing I found predictable, and I will shamelessly admit that I cried. My favourite characters, Simon Lewis and Alec Lightwood were in this even more if that's possible, which made me very happy. I also loved the way that the characters developed- it's noticeable since the first book. In City Of Bones, Alec is quite rude, and a bit quiet really. But wow. In CoHF, six books later, he's just wonderful. Sarcastic, hilarious, but lovely. Aw.

It tied it all together perfectly for me. It really did. I don't think it could have ended any other way, and I'm actually gutted that it's the last. However, I am extremely excited for the Dark Artifices!

If you haven't read these books or just CoHF then I recommend you do. I do try when reviewing to do the most non spoilerish review ever, whilst still justifying the book? But you seriously need to pick that book up. It's got action, badass characters, humour and romance, so it's something for everyone really. The series is one of my favourites and I'm really happy with how this turned out. Thank you Cassandra Clare!

Until next time.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Change in The Blog 😊

Hello! I'm aware I haven't posted in quite some time: I've got exams coming up and just generally haven't got around to posting. But after this small not-quite-a-post post, I have another book review coming sometime within the next week or so (hint- think of a wonderful book released this week about some sort of magical part angel beings;)).

But today I'd just like to clarify that I've made a bit of a change to the blog. When I set it up, I had intentions for it to be a bit of everything- specifically beauty and fashion. But now, five months on, I've decided that that's just not interesting for me to read or write anymore. Which explains why I've converted my blog to being more book focused. I'll still do some beauty kind of things- take my Rune Nail Art, for example. But primarily it's going to be things like book reviews etc. with some things about music. I hope you still enjoy it anyway; I don't exactly have tons of readers so the change shouldn't be too devastating;).

Until next time!

Saturday 10 May 2014

Let's Talk Music.

Why hello there! Well, this last month for me has been very musical, as odd as that may sound. I've been listening to a wider variety of music, playing more music and just generally being musical.
Music is a huuuuuge part of my life;; to be quite honest I'm not sure I could survive without my headphones. Personally, I think my best feature is my music taste. Wow.

So got this post I've decided to just share what music I've really been loving lately.

1. 'Meet The Vamps'- The Vamps.
Wow. Just holy wow. The Vamps are my favourite band, and I absolutely love them. So wonderfully, their album was released on 14th April. YAYYYYY! I absolutely love it, every single song is wonderful, Brad's voice is craaaaazy, like out of this world good, and literally I am unable to stop listening to them. I've been a fan since around August, which may not seem long, but as I saw a girl tweet this week-

"'You weren't a fan of The Vamps from the start, you're not a real fan"

@TheVampsCon wasn't there from the start and he's in the band'
I'm sorry but this made my day. Thank you random citizen.
Anywayyyt, The Vamps are perfect and I adore them. Buy their album now, they deserve it so much, I'm so proud of how far they've come!

2. Arctic Monkeys

I have been listening to a lot of Arctic Monkeys lately and I just think they're fab. I love 'Arabella' and 'Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?'  They're great!

3. All Time Low

So basically two of my best friends are obsessed with ATL and until this past week I've not really been a fan. However, in Thursday I was introduced to 'Weightless' and I love it I love it I love it. It's wonderful! I reaaally like their music: I think it's very unique and the lyrics are fab.

So myself and my friends have been inspired to start a band. I'm really excited! More on this another time. Until next time!

Friday 11 April 2014

Fangirl Problems.

Why hello there! Today's post is one that I imagine many many people can relate to. Fangirl problems.

I am a fangirl. Dreadfully so. I fangirl over everything: me and my friend fangirled over fangirling, for the angels sake. And being a fangirl is  so so difficult. I mean, the feelssssss.
I fangirl over books mainly, and Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift. But books.
Recently, I have been reading The Infernal Devices.  Two words- Will Herondale. Need I say anything more?
Being a fangirl has a lot of problems- here you go!

1. The fact that you are madly in love with a fictional character. That you well never meet. Because they don't exist. But you continue to be madly in love with them to the point you cannot contain your emotion anymore, and cannot refrain from screaming their name and telling everyone you see that you are in love with a fictional character. Yep, several strange looks gained from this. *sigh* Will Herondale *sigh*

2. Nobody has read the book, or heard the song, or seen the film. You are forced to fangirl alone or perhaps die from the contained fangirling. You can't fangirl but you do anyway, again gaining strange looks. Nobody understands what you're talking about, so you just seem like a demented crazy women. Which you are.

3. Imagine this: you are in public. Bored. So you take out your book, phone whatever and you read or go stalk your celebrity or something. You sit and enjoy your book, or their face, everything is all sunshine and rainbows. Until you read it. The tweet like this one:

Or the line like this one:

And your everything is screaming inside, and you need to scream and cry and fangirl and you would but then no. You are in public. So you stay quiet, with your insides screaming, and you suffer.  This is all your fault *insert name of person who caused you to fangirl here*

4. Other people claiming to love the book or celebrity when they don't even know anything about it. Or worse- THEY SAW THE FILM.
*le me* Omg, you like Divergent? Who's your favourite character? Mine's Uriah.
*le peasant* Wait who's he? You probably haven't even seen it, there is no Uriah. But mine is that Four guy.
*le me* Tobias.
*le peasant* There isn't a Tobias either! Have you even seen it?
*le me* *throws book at head*

Sorry for that rather peculiar post. I shall update it later with more fangirl problems for you all to relate to.

Until next time peasants!